About this Project

This is my First Figma & Tailwind CSS Framework project. In this project I have developed a Responsive landing Page for selling a Royal Vintage Car Using HTML & Tailwind CSS & Java Script. I had formed its web deign first before developing it in Figma. I have hosted it on GitHub. The logo in this page which I hane used that is aso deigned by me using Canva.

About Developer

Hello World! The Devil is Here!
This is Piyush! Piyush Dhanawat. I am from Alwar (Rajasthan), India. I have given my exams of last sem. of B. Tech. wth CSE. Currentaly I am studing ReactJS, NodeJS, Framer & Blender. I have skills in Git, Github, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, JavaScrpte, Figma, Video Editng, Digital Marketing, SEO, Social Media Optimization, Web Deigning, Canva, MS Ofice, Typing in both English & Hindi.